The view from the farm as the sun sets over Volcán Concepción.
By Tanasia B.
There lies Tuesday, March 13th, the last day of the first half of the semester. Sometimes goodbyes can be difficult, however this week Jatizibe has been learning how to blissfully say goodbye to preconceived assumptions, expectations, and all things negative. As the cliche saying goes, “when one door closes another one opens” and in this case that door is Wednesday, March 14th, the first day of the second half of the semester.
First time: learning about and utilizing organic permaculture practices in the garden. Syd and Tanasia clear away leaves and water the garden.
During the past ten days we paid a visit to the island of Ometepe. On the island resides an organic, permaculture farm known as Bona Fide. There we participated in a handful of typical, yet physically demanding farming chores. Despite the intensive physical labor, Bona Fide turned out to be the perfect opportunity for Jatizibe to experience many memorable first times.
First time: de-husking coconuts with the traditional method using a pick-ax. Syd be came an expert, which was lucky for us since much of our food included coconut.
For most, we experienced for the first time sleeping in a dorm with only three partial walls. We encountered spiders as big as our palms, and slept to monkeys howling throughout the nights. We let loose to pee outdoors and shower in the open breeze. Some braved petting a baby tarantula, meanwhile most experienced trotting along the shoreline on a horse for their first time. Not to mention breathing came easy when practicing yoga in fresh air of Ometepe. I must say we embraced nature at its finest for we enjoyed simplicity.
First time: making chocolate from raw cacao. We made ginger chocolate, coconut chocolate, and plain chocolate. April enjoyed kneading the ingredients into the chocolate.
Among our many first, best of all, we were able to make the uncomfortable comfortable. We are all still learning to let go of things preventing us to be present as well as letting go of our fears. Jatzibe has been taking rather great strides to grow both as a group and individually. Simultaneously, we are all realizing our gifts and sharing our knowledge with each other in efforts to continue moving together as we travel to our next adventure.
First time: harvesting and processing cinnamon from a cinnamon tree. Natali and Kiara worked diligently to carefully remove strips of the inner bark of the tree.
First time: clearing out a composting toilet. Hillary scoops the composted aftermath into buckets.
First time: using balboa for the a conference call. Kate and Suzannah call Carpe Mundi headquarters to say hi.
First time: riding horses on a beach
The crew, as drawn by our own Syd Weldon!