Carpe Mundi partners with study abroad organizations that have incredible safety records with many practices in place to keep you healthy and safe.

Here are some questions your family might have, and answers that will help them feel more confident in your next big adventure:

Parent: You’ll be all by yourself. How will you know where to go or what to do? 
You: I won’t be by myself! I’ll be with a group of 8-12 other students, and two program guides. We’ll be with each other every day.

Parent: Ok, but I won’t be there. What if there’s a big emergency? 
You: The two program guides have extensive experience as both educators and travelers and are trained as Wilderness First Responders, so in the improbable event of a medical emergency, they have training to keep me safe until I can get medical attention.

If something goes wrong, there are staff here in the US who are on call 24/7 and have extensive resources to respond as quickly—and skillfully—as possible to on-the-ground emergencies.

Parent: What about your safety day-to-day? I’m not sure you’re ready. 
You: One of the program's goals is to learn more about being a smart and safe traveler. Throughout the program, I’ll learn health and safety strategies to keep my group members and me safe.

If your family has more questions, that’s great! Click below to schedule a time to learn more from Carpe Mundi staff, or check out our partners' Health and Safety pages, Carpe Diem Education and Where There Be Dragons.

Carpe Mundi has supported over a hundred students in the past ten years, and Where There Be Dragons has supported thousands of students beyond that. You’ll be in good hands during your overseas experience.