Ganesha is a Hindu god that is worshiped as the remover of obstacles.
Brenda in Ecuador.
Brenda after travel.
Brenda Tirado-Ramirez
After traveling through Ecuador and Peru for three months coming back home became a whole new culture shock. Now, two months after being back I have been able to adjust to the same old society I lived in before leaving but with a whole new person. I am currently working at Petsmart. I am now starting my junior year of college this Fall at Portland State University to pursue my bachelor's in Spanish and Social Work. For now, I plan to travel to Canada during December 2017. After college I plan to go back to South America and around the Dominican Republic and Cuba with my sister Hamdi. It has been a long and amazing journey. Living with different host families, going on numerous hikes, attending Spanish classes, volunteering in local communities, and opening my mind and heart to new cultures and places have helped me grow. I had my very first taste of what self love really is. I hope to keep my self love growing from now on.
Brenden during travel.
Brenden before travel.
Brenden Dunne
I am doing great since my travels. In Thailand, I made the decision to become a vegetarian and I am still one. I have not traveled anywhere since the trip but do plan on going back to Asia in 2018. I am currently working as an intern for the Operations Manager at Birch Community Services and debating whether to go back to school in the fall or continue working full time in order to save money for more travels.
Hamdi in Peru.
Hamdi before travel.
Hamdi Ali
My name is Hamdi Ali. I am a 20 years old, currently studying Mechanical Engineering at Portland State University. I enjoy playing sports, hiking, and hanging out with friends. My motivation for studying abroad was my passion for traveling as well a learning about new cultures. This Spring (2017) I traveled to South America, which was an amazing experience. While abroad, I grew tremendously as an individual and gained a new perspective on the world. This summer I am taking a course at Portland State along with interning at the Oregon Federal Executive Board located in downtown Portland. Just living life at the moment, trying to incorporate the new habits I took on whilst abroad into my life back home. Waiting to see where my next adventure takes me! On moves all Summer ‘17
Janie in Guatemala.
Janie after travel.
Janie Do
Janie is attending Pacific Univerisity in the fall of 2017 to finish her undergrad and is majoring in psychology. She is pursuing her career dreams and becoming an occupational therapist. After she graduates her undergrad, she will be attend the occupational therapy program at Pacific University to get her Master Degree. "Ever since I've been back from my trip in Central America, I have gained a lot of self love and have been more aware on what I comsume in my body. I would never thought I would have a chance to explore the world until i got into Carpe Mundi. Carpe Mundi allowed me to be comfortable in my own skin, challenge myself and to step out of my comfort zone. Through this experience I am treating myself and those around me better than I have ever had." Janie is excited for her future adventures in the world where she continues to strive to make a difference in the world.
Martin during travel.
Martin before travel.
Martin Farias
Hello everybody, I have been doing a lot lately since returning from my trip. A lot of chances have been happening. Currently I am taking two summer courses at Portland State University. I am working Monday through Friday and will start my internship very soon. Traveling was a great experience.
Meno in Peru.
Meno before travel.
Meno Vongdara
Hi guys I am Meno Vongdara! I came back May 10th from my South America trip. I spent three months in Peru and Ecuador. It was one of the greatest times of my life spent in those countries that I had no knowledge of. Highlights that stood out to me was working with various communities and farms with different families learning how to crop, grow bananas, pick coffee, make cob, and eating their amazing food. Other highlights were getting to know the families and the people of these countries and how their lifestyle is. It was really amazing seeing a totally different lifestyle and adapting to it. Despite the lack of Spanish I had I still shared great memories, laughs, and conversation with the little Spanish I know. More highlights I did were zip lining, trekking various mountains and forests, dancing, and trekking the great Machu Picchu. I’m currently back in Portland starting my internship at Mt hood community college where I will doing various outdoor activities. My goal is to keep growing mentally and physically especially communicating because the trip gave a great start and a new foundation to grow.
Moreh during travels.
Moreh before travel.
Moreh Stewart
Hey all! After returning from East Africa I jumped right back into my work. Soon after my return I got a promotion. I am now the Assistant manager of the Insomnia Coffee Company Bakery. I spend the week baking all sorts of goodies and experimenting with new recipes. I take time on the weekends to adventure and try new things. Rock climbing, paddle boarding, kayaking, and plenty of other adventurous things are to come. I am passionate about building relationships with others and doing all that I can to make an impact in their lives. I find myself at The Bridge (My church in Tigard) doing my best to spend my time making a difference. With travel experience under my belt and a world awaiting, I am eagerly saving and planning for my next trip. In attempts to follow the roots of my faith I am hoping to go to Israel in the near future. I am very excited for the things to come, I know it is all going to be great!
Nanci during travel
Nanci before travel.
Nanci Vasquez Rios
Traveling throughout East Africa allowed me to challenge myself physically and emotionally. I went hiking for the first time had my first camping experience in Tanzania. I also learned to appreciate clean water, health, education, and all the wonderful opportunities in my life. I have finished my Oregon transfer degree at Portland Community College. This upcoming fall I will be attending Pacific University studying Political Science. Currently, I am an intern for Adelante Chicas Summer Camp. In August, I will be traveling to Oaxaca, Mexico with my three younger siblings. I am excited to visit my family in Mexico after ten years and revive wonderful moments from my childhood. I plan to study abroad again in Spain or somewhere in South America. My future plans include attending law school after Pacific, and becoming an immigration lawyer.
Nelyn during travel.
Nelyn before travel.
Nelyn Phillip
Coming back from India I have been living with gratitude and compassion. The biggest lessons I learned while abroad is to have to have compassion and to grateful for my ability to move and for everything that I have in my life. India has left me with so many beautiful stories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. From the Mother Teresa home in Calcutta to Pushpa Ji the incredible lady at Dharmalaya to be the first woman to break the stereotypes and become a skilled mason. These experiences have inspired me to continue to strive. I was inspired to come back to the US and make changes in life, but it wasn’t easy. The first few weeks back was a bit overwhelming. The reverse culture shock is real. It does not only make me realize that I have grown, but it has also made realize that I am living with infinite possibilities. With this new excitement for traveling I have been looking at opportunities that require me to travel, whether that's during or during the summers.I am applying to internships in D.C that will allow me to use the skills that I learned abroad and incorporate it with my my passion to making a change in my community. This summer, I will be working as an intern at the Office of Sustainability for the Multnomah County. I am excited to use skills that I have learned abroad and to bring it into the workplace. I am also excited to go on new adventures with new friends. This summer, I will also be traveling to Canada with a friend from my cohort. This coming fall, I will be continuing my education at Portland state university as a sophomore/junior as a Community Development and a minor in women's studies.