Last few days by Instructors

Last few days by Instructors

From Peru to Bolivia: Adventure, Culture and reflection

Our journey from Peru to Bolivia began with an overnight bus ride that took us across the border and into the heart of South America. After a long ride, we finally arrived at Isla del Sol, a magical island on Lake Titicaca. Settling in, we couldn’t help but be mesmerized by the stunning views of the lake and the surrounding mountains—perfect for reflection and a midcourse break to recharge.



By Luis, Program Director

We bid farewell to the afternoon, sitting side by side, gazing at the horizon from a small wooden cabin.

Through our moved pupils, we watched as the leaden clouds slowly drifted across the sky, decorating the mountains—immense, imposing, impassive—which, without awakening from their millennial slumber, made us feel their presence in the deepest corners of our hearts. The thirteen brave students, the three experienced instructors, the guide, and I smiled with our eyes, expectant of what we were about to live, while we secured our backpacks, prepared our walking sticks, and finalized the last details before beginning our descent to our first stop, Chiquisqa.

Ko Phra Thong by Lorelei

     After spending time at a home stay in Koh Klang with Pee Matt and Ja Muna, we got on the road and drove about 3 hours and a half, took about a 45 minute boat ride to Ko Phra Thong. A remote island in a town called Khura Buri. Once we got to the island, we had some trucks pick us up and take us to the resort.

    At this point I was getting a lil used to the boats since we had to take them to get and leave Koh Klang, I was not ready for that 45 minute board ride to Khura Buri. I don’t think a lot of us were. I was a little nervous about being on a remote island like that for five days, but our resort and instructors helped me not feel so nervous.

   We had some time to settle in and enjoy the beach all to ourselves. We were not ready for all the mosquitoes, lizards, and frogs.

   We learned about turtles and the Indigenous peoples of the area. We were able to explore the museum. The peace and isolation is something I felt like I needed. Being surrounded by beaches and in our own little space. Now we’re getting ready to have our first city experience in Phuket.


When I was a… (Poem) By Anabelle

When I was a kid I’d jump from my bed, as if I was sliding down the tallest mountain in the world.

When I was a kid, I’d run through my garden hose, pretending to swim through the most sky blue water in the world.

When I was a kid, I’d chase my brother around the house with a stick, as if I was a swash buckling pirate.

When I was a kid, I’d make forts out of pillows, and call them my caves. Sleeping with imagery bats.

When I was a kid, I’d dream of grand adventures.

But I grew up, and I’m not a kid anymore.

As an adult, I scaled down a mountain in Phuket. My fingers gripping tight into limestone and smelling the salty air of the nearby ocean.

As an Adult, I dived deep into the blue water of the Indian Ocean. My body sat in the middle of schools of bright royal blue fish, and feeling our existences collide.

As an Adult, I ran down the shores of a sandy beach, once rumored to house pirates and treasure. Feeling the hot sand, and running along side hermit crabs.

As an adult, I could smell the damp air as I climbed through caves, and felt bats wisp through my hair. For once not being scared of the dark, but enjoying it.

As I travel more and more I’m reminded, maybe those dreams weren’t too big, and the world was never too small.

Leaving Phuket by Andrea

We are leaving Phuket behind, and embarking out next adventure to Bangkok for the next 3 days.

Yet, the time we spent in this beautiful and colorful island was great. From attending a cooking class with the one and only, Pee Pum to hike to the beach.

To get here, we had to take a 45 minute long tail boat ride following a 3 hour drive. After arriving, we did our long needed laundry and bought snacks on the next block convenience store.

On our second day in Phuket, we started our day going to a scavenger hunt in Old Town Phuket. I’ll be honest, I’m still little scared of crossing the street with running traffic all the time. I have been overwhelm how many motorbikes are in every part of Thailand.

But… I had a mango smoothie and that made my day! 🙂 I’ll eat as much mango I can while I’m here!! Thai mango just hits different. Mango is Thai is “makmuan” (I’m sure I expelled wrong but you get the idea, I hope).

Did I expect to cook in Thailand?! Nop, but I did, and learned how to make Phad Thai, Green Curry, and Mango Sticky Rice!! I’ll put into practice my cooking skills once I get back home.

Shout out to Pee Pum’s team for taking us to the local market, and reminded me of Mexico’s markets. They were so helpful and willing to take pictures with us! Btw, we all ended up super full after this class.

On day three, we attended an art workshop in Phuket Art Village in Phuket – Rawai. Thanks to Somrak Maneemai and Niran Chanhom for showing us their art and the beauty of artistic expression! The space of based of recycling, and contemporary art and cultural community. Ruby’s lobster is so colorful and cute!!!

We also went to Phuket’s night market. So beautiful but so overstimulated by the amount of people that were there. People pushing each other and showing no manners, some crazy stuff.

Anabelle, Jade, and me were able to buy elotes tho. So that’s a win!!

For day four, our last full day in Phuket was mixed with different feelings. From going to a 2 hour hike around the coast of … beach to actually getting to the beach and playing on the water. I had so much fun but my skin didn’t. I ended up having skin burn.

Anyways, I’m writing this on the way to Bangkok. Take care and will be back with more!!!

Adios, Urubamba!

Adios, Urubamba!

By the Instructors

Saludos desde Urubamba! (Hello from Urubamba!)

Today marks our final full day in Urubamba. Tonight, students and their homestay families along with a few ISP mentors will gather at our program house to celebrate our weeks together with an evening of delicious food cooked by our homestay families and students, mini-presentations from our dragoncit@s about their ISP experiences (including a dance performance from Ava and Natalie and a charango performance from Zia, Sam, and Katya!), and to share words of gratitude towards families and our Urubamba community. Already, our students are talking about how much they have enjoyed their time here and how hard it will be to leave. Our next stop will be the community of Paru Paru, where we’ll learn about textiles, native potato varieties, and earthen buildings with adobe. Before that, we wanted to share a few photos with you all!

Thank you for everything, Matt and Ja Muna

Thank you for everything, Matt and Ja Muna

Hi friends and families at home,

We had a great few days at Koh Klang. Our wonderful hosts Matt and Ja Muna kindly opened the door of their home and their community to us, and we learned a great deal from them. From mangrove reforestation to the development of eco-tourism in the community to the local arts and crafts, we experienced them all and learned a lot along the way, not to mention that all this happened in the beautiful setting like a paradise.

Thank you for everything, Matt and Ja Muna! Until next time…

Now Koh Pra Thong, here we come!

Carpe Mundi team

Click to see more amazing pictures!

Tired, Sweaty, & Musty

Tired, Sweaty, & Musty

Hi everyone, we’re very smelly right now.

We’re on the island of Koh Klang in the province of Krabi, Thailand, (still in the south, very sunny, my skin is peeling off).

To get to the island we had to get a long tail boat from Krabi. It was about a 5-10 minute boat ride, little did we know that we had a local celebrity providing the transportation; Pee Superman, shout out to him. On the ride over we saw a few water monitor lizards aka. Ms. Kipling from Jesse.