Hello from Kiara, Hillary, Tanasia, Syd, Natali, April, Suzannah and Katefrom Matagalpa. Nicaragua. We are finishing up our first week together in-country and will be heading into homestays shortly. Everyone is settling in and adjusting well to the new sights, sounds, food choices and cultural differences. One highlight from thie week of orientation has been the scavenger hunt when everyone hit the streets of Matagalpa to navigate to different locations in small groups. Below are highlights from a few of the ladies about the scavenger hunt and first impressions of Nicaragua.
From Syd:
This scavenger hunt is going well so far. We talked to a really nice local teen and she took us to her favorite restaurant. The prices were right but we weren´t hungry enough to eat there at the time. We also took a few selfies in front of the cathedral and went shopping at a clothing store. This is a really fun activity, but I don´t know when we will be able to finish it.
From Hillary:
Nicaragua has been a blast so far. I still can´t believe I am here with my cohort and leaders. I am looking forward to meeting my first host family and excited to be able to get to know them and learn about their culture. The food has been amazing, the people are friendly, and the environment is so lively and happy. Having this opportunity has been so surreal and having a group of ladies to experience this journey with makes this perfect. I am looking forward to the challenges and personal growth opportunities which we will encounter together.
From Kiara:
Nicaragua is going fantastic! So far I have tried street food, seen fireworks that would honestly be illegal in Portland, stayed in a hostel for four days, and now I am getting ready to meet my host family tomorrow. The group is getting along we are all just getting settled in and getting to know one another by different activities and telling funny stories at night. I am really starting to practice here and there on basic Spanish words but my reading skills have been a struggle for me. Which reminds me, I had a little fun at the airport by forgetting my glasses on the plane! Do not worry I got them back thanks to one of our leaders named Kate. I hope everything is going great and I love you guys.
First lunch out in Matagalpa. Everyone loved the food!