Photo Blog By Emily & Hunter
Hola! This is Emily and Hunter with a lil help from Emma. We are writing to you from Xela! Here are some highlights from the past week
Saul and Matt team working the dream work. Grinding tomatoes together for salsa!
Caroline and Hunter looking at garlic. Idk what’s so cool about it, seemed like regular garlic to me.
Tears of ….. joy? sadness? from Emily and Erin
Princess (Jane) and da Frog (frog).
Us with our handiwork and Tony Peren (maestro).
Cultural night at Orlando Peren’s! We enjoyed a huge bonfire and live music and dancing! We learned that Matt has lit dance moves.
Elliot, Matt, and Saul pullin up to the work site in style. It’s proven that looking snazzy boosts workplace productivity by 10%.
Maddie, Caroline, Linda, and Erin presenting their final green building project. They designed a community in Bangkok using the green building knowledge we learned this week.
Hunter, Marguerite, Elliot, and Matt caught looking at paper. They are COOL.
A farewell futbol (soccer) game with some of the workers at Long Way Home!
Jane is a beast, especially at pool
Look at that view!!! Sunset’s pretty cute too.
Emily and Maddie reading during some designated alone time.
Playing Quidditch (?) for Maddie’s passion class. No Erins were harmed.
Matt’s homemade pizza! Made for his passion class! Maddie and Erin are ready.
Group picture at the end of the workweek!
Car ride to Xela! It was very exciting.
First trip into Xela!
It was sad to say goodbye to Long Way Home and the beautiful people we met there, but we are all super excited to have (minimal) access to hot showers and to begin exploring Xela and taking Spanish lessons!! Hasta luego!
Emily & Hunter