Hola amigos y familias!
View from the farm
This is Saya writing my blog draft in a mango tree. After a long week of ups and downs and the longest travel day yet, we arrived at Isla de Ometepe. We are staying at Bona Fide, a farm that focuses on experiential learning on permaculture. We also have afternoon workshops on basket weaving, jam making and chocolating. We are surrounded by nature here with no walls anywhere except for handmade ones made of Palm tree leaves and sliced bamboo used for the compost toilets and huts. Every weekday morning we start farm work from 6:45 to 12, with a one hour break for brekkie. The afternoons are spent relaxing on the farm, learning about permaculture, going for dips in the lake, or going for a smoothie run to the groups favorite local cafe Campestre de Ometepe. The farm has an abundance of trees baring delicious exotic fruits, gardens full of veggies and medicinal herbs, beautiful views of sunsets and more scorpions and spiders than we’d like.
Sunset at Ometepe
We love it here and wish we could stay longer, but we’re also pumped to be heading to our next destination, Masaya tomorrow for our last week of Spanish classes! Lots of love from the group to our families and friends.
Pictures of our farm life below!
Lounging in the tree house
Peyton working hard!
Making baskets
Hasta pronto,